Rabbit Jones likes a lot of stuff and all of that stuff is going to be catalogued on this website.


AUG. 27, 2024 | Added stuff to "Good Stuff"

AUG. 15, 2024 | Added "My Art" page

AUG. 4, 2024 | New background featuring art by Rabbit Jones B)

JULY 11, 2024 | I've got more added to the music page!

JULY 3, 2024 | I got a little bit of content up today :)

JULY 2, 2024 | Today, I started building out the site. Even though I'm a little rusty, maintaining a personal webpage on Geocities and Expages was one of my favorite past-times when I was about 12 or 13. So far, I'm having a blast making this. I have lots of ideas for content I want to live here. ⚘